阿布雷·卡米諾 開路祝福 7 天祈禱蠟燭 Abre Camino Path Opener Dressed & Blessed 7 Day Prayer Candle


已售出: 17


打開通往成功的道路並清除障礙 穿著和祝福的蠟燭,用祈禱、精神油、草藥、閃光和其他物品準備。 在生活中,我們走在一條開闊的道路上,有時這條路會被堵住,我們會面臨許多障礙。現在是機會之窗,可以為您生活中的美好時光創造合適的環境。從壓力、焦慮和抑鬱中解脫出來,迎接這個時刻。擁有更多的個人自由、健康、活力和幸福是可能的。給自己一個進步和成功的好機會。 Abre Camino 背後的想法是幫助清除障礙並將厄運轉化為好運。這幾乎適用於任何情況,無論您是在尋找新工作、新戀情,還是只想重新開始。 Abre Camino 有助於為您創造理想的環境。一種強大的精神援助,可用於清除阻礙您在生活中前進的過去的殘餘。保持通往機會的道路清晰而誘人,為運氣和繁榮打開大門。 打開你和你的目標之間的大門。您已準備好繼續前進,但您的方式有些困難。打開通往金錢、健康、成功、愛情和幸福的道路。消除阻礙您清楚地看到或實現目標的障礙。衝破路上的任何障礙物或障礙物。 Abre Camino 擺脫任何阻礙您通往成功、財富和繁榮之路的障礙。打開通往愛情、金錢、幸福、成功等所有希望和夢想的道路。一種有效的方式,可以幫助您開啟生活,迎接新的可能性、途徑和機會。為好運、成功和幸福開闢一條誘人的道路。 To Open Your Pathway To Success & Clear Away Obstacles Dressed & blessed candle, prepared with prayers, spiritual oils, herbs, glitter, and other items. In life we are on an open road, sometimes this road gets blocked and we face many obstacles. Now is the window of opportunity of creating the right situation for a favorable time in your life. Rise to the occasion by lifting up from stress, anxiety and depression. It is possible to live with more personal freedom, health, energy, and happiness. Give yourself a good chance for advancement and success. The idea behind Abre Camino is to help clear obstacles away and to transform bad luck into good luck. This can be for almost any situation whether you are searching for a new job, new love, or just want a fresh start. Abre Camino helps to create the ideal environment for you to get there. A powerful spiritual aid when trying to clear away remnants of the past that are preventing you from moving forward in your life. Keep the pathway to opportunity clear and inviting, opening the doors to luck and prosperity. Open the door between you and your goals. You are ready to move forward but there is something in your way. Open the path to money, health, success, love and happiness. Remove obstacles that keep you from clearly seeing or achieving goals. Bust through any blocks or obstacles in your way. Abre Camino to get rid of any obstacle blocking your way to success, fortune and prosperity. Open the road to all your hopes and dreams of love, money, happiness, success and more. A potent way to help open your life to new possibilities, paths and opportunities. Clear an inviting pathway for good luck, success, and happiness. Abre Camino Prayer #1: “Today I let go of fear, overthinking, and worries. I now cleanse away the destructive energy. I am ready to awaken my intuition. I let go of tension. I will release unconscious bad energy to open up to spiritual experience and deep healing. I am ready to let go and release inner conflict and struggle. I choose to think positively and create a wonderful and successful life for myself. I will celebrate each goal I accomplish with gratitude and joy. Every day I will become more confident, powerful, and successful. AMEN.” Abre Camino Prayer #2: "I invoke the sublime influence of the eternal energy to obtain success in all the subjects of my life and to smooth all difficulties that are in my way. I invoke the aid of the divine, so that my house prospers and my company and my person receive a message of good luck. Oh great hidden power, I implore your supreme majesty so that you separate me from danger, at the precise moment, that my way is illuminated by the light of fortune. I shall receive the infinite blessing of the abundance and earthly success. I am grateful for a new start. As I heal and cleanse myself of the past. I grow by a new light that shines upon me. I move forward with new hope blossoming in my heart. AMEN.”
