限量款香味香草精神蠟燭 小號 Limited Style Scented Herb Spirits Candle Small

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草本精神:迷迭香 使用迷迭香進行清潔、淨化和驅逐。 含迷迭香油和乾葉 草本精神:茉莉 使用茉莉花來吸引精神愛情、財富和金錢。 含茉莉油和乾葉 草本精神:羅勒 用羅勒帶來繁榮和加強愛 含羅勒油和乾葉 Herb Spirits : Rosemary Use Rosemary for cleansing, purification and banishment. With Rosemary oils and dry leaves Herb Spirits : Jasmine Use Jasmine to attract spirtual love, wealth and money. With Jasmine oils and dry leaves Herb Spirits : Basil Use Basil to bring prosperity and strengthen love With Basil oils and dry leaves
