靈魂棒手工草本油 1/3oz -分離 Soul Sticks Handcrafted Herbal Oil 1/3oz - Separation


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分離草本油 分手油可用於終止任何類型的關係,無論是與您自己還是與另一對夫婦之間的關係。 它可以用來欺騙配偶、愛情、制止不忠、破壞愛情、關係或拆散夫妻。破壞、消除和分離人們的關係,造成兩個人之間的不和諧、爭吵和反感。 也用於打破壞習慣、商業關係和友誼。 Separation Herbal Oil Break Up Oil can be used to extinguish a relationship of any kind, either with yourself or between another couple. It can be used for cheating spouses, love affairs, to stop infidelity, ruin a love affair, relationship or break up a couple. Break up, remove and separate people from relationships and cause disharmony, arguments and ill feelings between two people. Also used to break up bad habits, business relationships and friendships.
