靈魂棒手工草本油 1/3oz -賭博 Soul Sticks Handcrafted Herbal Oil 1/3oz - Gambling


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賭博草本油 這種靈性符咒油用於幫助吸引賭博好運,吸引每個賭徒都尋求的獲勝能量。這是使用真正的草藥手工製作的膏油,用於吸引這些幸運獲勝能量。 用途:此油可用於塗抹物品、蠟燭、洗澡時使用,或每次賭博前滴幾滴在手上。僅供外用。 Gambling Herbal Oil This spiritual spell oil is used to help attract good luck in gambling, attracting the winning energies that every gambler seeks. This is hand-made anointing oils using the actual herbs that are used in attracting these Lucky winning energies. Usage: This oil can be used to anoint objects, candles, used in baths, or use a couple of drops on your hands every time before gambling. For external use only.
