願望實現油 Wish Fulfillment Oil


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願望實現油可用於專注於您生活中的願望和意圖的儀式和咒語,例如月桂葉願望咒,您將您的願望寫在月桂葉上並將其燃燒。 如何使用儀式油 儀式油,包括為特定實體設計的油,可以用作祭品,塗抹蠟燭、印記、請願書、水晶、魔精袋、提升閥、罐子咒語和其他儀式物品。 根據法術的性質和油的成分,它們也可以用來塗抹身體和/或個人物品。 我們的儀式油可用於油擴散器,但不能用於水性精油擴散器,因為它們混合在基礎油基礎中,會堵塞裝置。 它們也不要與精油或香精油混淆。 我們的儀式油採用 15 毫升玻璃瓶裝 Wish Fulfillment Oil can be used rituals and spells that focus on wishes and intentions in your life, such as a Bay Leaf Wish Spell, where you write your wish on a bay leaf and burn it. How to Use Ritual Oils Ritual oils including ones designed for specific entities can be used as offerings, to anoint candles, sigils, petition papers, crystals, mojo bags, poppets, for jar spells, and other ritual objects. Depending on the nature of the spellwork and the ingredients of the oils they can also be used to anoint the body and/or personal belongings.​ Our ritual oils can be used in oil diffusers, but not water-based essential oil diffusers as they would clog the unit because they are blended in a carrier oil base. They are not to be confused with essential oils or fragrance oils either. Our ritual oils come in a 15ml glass bottle
