魔法六芒星飾品 Hexagram Magic Jewelry

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圖一:六芒星鍍銀手鍊 平衡男女關係和能量,讓感情更穩固 圖二:六芒星金屬腳鍊 鍊上有三顆六芒星,能夠加強行星能量,讓你能得到守護 以上首飾因物料都只是金屬,遇水會氧化,介意者請勿購入 Picture 1: Hexagram silver-plated bracelet Balance the relationship and energy between men and women to make the relationship stronger Picture 2: Hexagram Metal Anklet There are three six-pointed stars on the chain, which can strengthen the planetary energy and allow you to be guarded The above jewelry materials are only metal and will oxidize when exposed to water
