鷹之結 Eagle’s Knot


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鷹之結是陽剛與女性精神的神奇結合,用神聖的智慧與精神創造了強大的保護符咒!中央是Triquetra,象徵著女性三位一體和神聖女性的力量。 Triquetra還可以用作保護護身符,因為其連續的設計可防止邪惡或負能量進入。 它周圍的圓圈代表母親的神聖空間。凱爾特結的保護性冥想作品在靈性飛行中將Triquetra與六隻鷹交織在一起!隱喻地講,作為天神的鷹的飆升暗示著強大的男性力量以及與男性太陽能的聯繫。鷹被許多文化所採用,是照明和精神治療的神聖像徵。 希臘神宙斯變身為鷹,以控制雷鳴和閃電。基督教神秘主義者將鷹視為複活的象徵。美洲原住民將鷹視為偉大的神秘精神,並繼續將珍貴的羽毛用於治療和淨化儀式。 “鷹之結”適用於那些尋求真理和自我發現的人們。在它的力量和保護下,您可以安全地找到更高的熱情,純正,創造力和治愈感。 鷹的視野照亮了聖靈。 The Eagle’s Knot is a Magical Union of Masculine and Feminine Spirit, creating a powerful Talisman of Protection with Divine Wisdom and Spirit! At the center is the Triquetra, symbol of the Female Trinity and the power of the divine feminine. The Triquetra also acts as a protective talisman because its continuous design prevents the entry of evil or negative energies. The Circle surrounding it represents the sacred space of the Mother. The protective and meditative Celtic knot work intertwines the Triquetra with six Eagles in spiritual flight! Metaphorically, the soaring of the eagle as a sky god suggests strong masculine power and association with the Male Solar Energies. The Eagle was adopted by many cultures as a sacred symbol of Illumination and Spiritual healing. The Greek God Zeus transformed into an Eagle to control thunder and lightening. Christian mystics saw the Eagle as a symbol of resurrection. Native Americans honored the eagle as a great, mystical spirit and continue to use the prized feathers for healing and purifying ceremonies. The “Eagle’s Knot” is for those who are searching for Truth and rediscovery of the Self. Within its power and protectiveness, one can safely seek out the higher senses of Passion, Purity, Creativity, and Healing. The vision of the eagle illuminates the Spirit.
