黑夜女王香薰粒 Night Queen Kamini cone


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令你變成一個萬人迷,一盒十粒 Night Queen 在印度也被稱為 Night Jasmin 或“Raat Ki Rani”。它是一種開花灌木,開著極其芬芳的小而嬌嫩的花朵,在夜間開花,散發出嬌嫩迷人的香氣。當您需要能量提升時,伸手去拿一瓶 Kamini Night Queen 香。這款香水將立即增強您的能量並改善您的心情。夜皇后的香味具有非常鎮靜和振奮的作用,特別有助於誘導安寧的睡眠。當你需要一夜好眠時,在睡前點燃一束夜後香,第二天早上醒來時神清氣爽,精力充沛。 Night Queen Kamini cone 10 pack Night Queen is also known as Night Jasmin or 'Raat Ki Rani' in India. It is a flowering bush with extremely fragrant tiny and delicate flowers that flower at night and release their delicate and enchanting fragrance. When you need an energy boost, reach for a cone of Kamini Night Queen Incense. The fragrance will instantly boost your energy and improve your mood. The fragrance of Night Queen has a very calming and uplifting effect and is especially useful to induce restful sleep. When you need a good night’s sleep, light up a cone of night queen incense before you sleep and wake up refreshed and full of energy the next morning.
