黑貓油 | 幸運與保護 Black Cat Oil | Luck & Protection


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黑貓油 - 開運、驅除負能量、躲避詛咒 啊哈,黑貓的魔力,曾經被奉為神明的貓,雖然天主教會在13世紀左右開始將黑貓與魔鬼聯繫在一起,但我們女巫一直都知道黑貓能給我們帶來好運。我們的黑貓油可以化厄運為好運,將負能量轉化為負能量,並將負能量引導回發送者。裝在 ½ 盎司玻璃瓶中。 黑貓油有什麼作用: 當被要求這樣做時會帶來好運。 有助於賭徒的運氣。 變壞為好。 幫助您避開邪惡之眼。 黑貓油的成分是什麼: 它由魔鬼鞋帶、生薑、廣藿香、艾草、愛爾蘭苔蘚、龍血和其他強效藥草製成。 如何在法術或儀式中使用黑貓油: 為了增強您的幸運抽獎能力,並避免隱秘的消極情緒,請在您的 mojo 包、錢包或珠寶上塗抹幾滴我們的黑貓油。 用小鈴鐺製作幸運符,例如貓項圈、黑貓油和草藥上使用的小鈴鐺。在新月開始的前夕,將貓項圈鈴放在新月光下的盤子上。用肉桂、丁香和洋甘菊環繞鈴鐺,然後用幾滴黑貓油輕輕塗抹鈴鐺。 第一天晚上,抹鐘後,敲鐘1次,念誦:I say “Farewell” to all bad luck with the sound of this bell. My Black Cat brings me luck and all the       bad goes to hell. 在第 2 天晚上,塗抹鈴鐺,敲響 2 次並背誦 2 次聖歌。 第三天晚上,抹鈴鐺,敲3下,念誦3遍。 在第 4 晚的早晨,將肉桂、丁香和洋甘菊撒在您的前門周圍,並將鈴鐺系在門上。(用繩子將鈴鐺系在門把手或門環上)。現在,此後每個星期四晚上,塗抹鈴鐺,背誦聖歌,然後點燃一根白色的小蠟燭。 Black Cat Oil - For luck, repelling negative energy and dodging curses Ahh, the magic of Black Cats. Cats, which were once worshipped as Gods. Even though the Catholic Church, in about the 13th century, began to associate Black Cats with the devil, we witches have always known that Black Cats bring us luck. Our Black Cat Oil can turn bad luck into good & turns negative energies around and directs that negativity back to the sender. Comes in a ½ oz. glass bottle. What does Black Cat Oil do: Brings good luck when called upon to do so. Aids in gambler’s luck. Reverses bad into good. Helps you to avoid the evil eye. What are the Ingredients in Black Cat Oil: It is made with Devil’s Shoestring, Ginger, Patchouli, Wormwood, Irish Moss, Dragon’s Blood and other potent herbs. How to use Black Cat Oil in a Spell or Ritual: To enhance your luck drawing power, and to stealthy avoid negativity, use a few drops of our Black Cat Oil on your mojo bag, in your wallet, or anoint your jewelry. Create a luck drawing charm with a small bell, like the one used on cat collars, Black Cat Oil, and herbs. On the eve of the beginning of a New Moon, place the cat collar bell on a plate in the New Moon Light. Surround the bell with cinnamon, cloves and chamomile, then gently anoint the bell with a few drops of Black Cat Oil. On the 1st night, after the bell is anointed, ring the bell 1 time and chant: I say “Farewell” to all bad luck with the sound of this bell. My Black Cat brings me luck and all the       bad goes to hell. On the 2nd night, anoint the bell, ring it 2 times and recite the chant 2 times. On the 3rd night, anoint the bell, ring it 3 times and recite the chant 3 times. On the morning of the 4th night, scatter the cinnamon, cloves and chamomile around your front door and attach the bell to the door. (Use a string and tie the bell to the door handle or knocker). Now, on every Thursday evening thereafter, anoint the bell, recite the chant, and light a small white candle.
