鼠尾草和Palo Santo淨化棒 Sage & Palo Santo smudge


已售出: 1


4英寸鼠尾草淨化棒,中間綁有一塊帕洛聖托。強大的塗抹效果,可以為您的下一個塗抹儀式創造出驚人的神聖煙霧組合。用於清潔,清除,保護並帶來治愈,繁榮和平靜的能量 對你自己或你的環境 4" Sage smudge stick with a piece of Palo Santo binding in the center. Powerful smudge that will create an amazing combination of sacred smoke for your next smudging ritual. Use to cleanse, clear, protect, and bring healing, prosperity and a calm energy to yourself or your environment
