龍盾墜飾 The Dragon Shield Pendant


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龍是由元素而生的。地球和海洋的生物;飛行生物;火和雷聲;偉大的神秘主義和魔法生物。巨龍從一開始就出現了。創造的時間;混亂的時刻。龍是在人類踏上地球之前很久就誕生的。博學多才的古老生物擁有遠古時代的智慧。傳說說,由元素而生的龍成為了天空,海洋,地球和人類的保護者。隨著越來越多的人開始居住在地球上,龍類開始發生變化。宇宙比例強大的飛行巨蛇演變成各種大小,顏色和力量。 這些龍仍然是擁有強大智慧的強大而神奇的生物。但是他們不再與神作戰。他們被迫與人作戰。人類珍視龍族所保護的東西,而人類則希望自己擁有這些東西。無論是土地,黃金還是珍貴的寶石,人類都想要龍所擁有的東西,而偉大的英雄也因此誕生,成為了屠龍者。龍不太可能成為人類的敵人。一些龍冒著言語的力量,變身為人類形態,只是為了在凡人之間行走。但是,隨著年輕人變得更加擅長殺死巨龍,並成為了騎士和贏得美少女的先驅,巨龍被迫參加了為生存而戰。 盾之龍屬於這些後來的龍。生物以人類的方式明智,但人類是嬰兒般的寬容。尚未準備好與自己不同種族共存的種族。因此,龍飛去尋找其他土地。著名的中國神話中的四龍使人類免於眾神的憤怒,即使龍在此過程中喪生了。這款Shield的藝術品基於9世紀的盎格魯-撒克遜風格的胸針。貝內特先生設計了這種防護罩,以保護遭受傷害的我們的戰士。他的希望是戰爭將很快結束,部隊將能夠重返親人。 Dragons were born of the Elements; creatures of Earth and ocean; creatures of flight; of fire and thunder; creatures of great Mysticism and Magic. Dragons emerged at the Beginning; the time of Creation; the time of chaos. Dragons were born long before men set foot upon the earth; ancient creatures, erudite, possessed of the wisdom of the ages. Legend says that Dragons-being born of the elements, became Protectors of the Skies, Seas, the Earth, and Mankind. As more and more men began to inhabit the earth, Dragonkind began to change. The mighty, flying serpents of cosmic proportions, evolved into varying sizes, colors and powers. These dragons were still Powerful and Magical creatures, possessed of great Wisdom; but they were no longer battling gods; they were forced to battle men. Humankind valued what dragonkind protected, and humans wanted these things for themselves. Whether it was land, or gold, or precious gems, humankind wanted what the dragon had, and great heroes were born to become dragonslayers. It’s unlikely that the dragons desired to be the enemy of men. Some dragons took on the power of speech, and shape-shifted into human form, just to walk among mortals. But as young men, became more skilled in dragon slaying, as precursor to becoming knights and winning fair maidens, dragons were forced to engage in battles for their survival. The Dragons of the Shield are of these later dragons; creatures wise in the ways of men, but forgiving of man as an infant race; a race not ready to co-exist with those unlike it’s own. So the Dragons took flight in search of other lands. The famous Four Dragons Of Chinese Myth saved humanity from the wrath of the Gods even though the dragons lost their lives in the process. The artwork of this Shield is based on a 9th century Anglo-Saxon brooch. Mr. Bennett designed this shield to protect our warriors that are in harms way. His hope is that the war will be over soon and the troops will be able to return to their loved ones.
