龍血房及身體噴霧 Dragons Blood Room & Body Spray


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我們的龍血之房和身體噴霧確實含有真正的龍血! 每瓶都含有我們注入真正的龍血的油。 在尋求獲得力量,清潔,保護和愛之繪畫時,龍之血被認為是更強大的成分之一。 我們認為它非常有效且非常有效! 龍之血通常來自位於蘇門答臘島和馬來亞群島的龍血樹德拉科棕櫚樹。 在遠古時代,葬禮時使用這種酒,也用於防腐。 一些文化曾經因其能夠進行變形的能力而受到推崇。 我們的龍血室和身體噴霧劑可用於任何目的。 隨意將其噴灑在您的身體上以增強您的個人力量,或將其噴灑在家里以幫助創建保護性屏障。 我們的龍血之房和身體噴霧裝在一個4盎司的噴霧瓶中。 our Dragon’s Blood Room & Body Spray does indeed have real Dragon’s Blood in it! Every bottle includes oil that we infuse with real Dragon’s Blood. Dragon’s Blood is considered to be one of the more powerful ingredients to use when seeking to achieve power, cleansing, protection and love drawing. We consider it to be quite effective and very potent! Dragon’s Blood typically come from the Dracaena Draco palm tree located in the Sumatra and Malayan Islands. In ancient times is was utilized during funerary rituals and was also used for embalming. Some cultures once revered it for its ability to enable shapeshifting. Our Dragon’s Blood Room and Body Spray can be virtually used for any type of intention. Feel free to simply spray it on your body to help increase your personal power or spray it in your home to help create a protective barrier. Our Dragon’s Blood Room & Body Spray comes in a 4 oz spray bottle.
