龍血白鼠尾草淨化棒 Dragon's Blood & White Sage Smudge Stick


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龍之血。保護,消除負面影響,提高生產力。 龍的血是藤製棕櫚樹中的一種暗紅色樹脂。東南亞是其原產地,用於治療傷口和治療腸道疾病。它可以燃燒以提高生產率,因此非常適合在您的辦公室中使用。這種樹脂在大氣中營造出可愛的“心情”,並散發出天堂般的香氣。 鼠尾草淨化棒已在美洲印第安人的傳統中使用了許多代,以淨化負能量區域。作為許多儀式的一部分,污跡棒起到了淨化器,清潔劑和對自然的認同感的作用。鼠尾草作為草藥和熏香也已用於許多其他文化中,他們也同意該草藥具有神奇的淨化和清除能力。 如何使用淨化棒 淨化棒的目的不是要有火焰,而是要冒煙。是煙霧淨化和淨化。 Dragon’s Blood. Protection, clears negativity, productivity. Dragon’s blood is a dark red resin from the rattan palm tree. Southeast Asia is its native origin and it’s used for treating wounds and healing intestinal disorders. It can be burned to enhance productivity and is therefore great to use in your office space. This resin creates a lovely “mood” in the atmosphere along with emitting a heavenly fragrance. Sage Smudge Sticks have been used in the Native American Indian traditions for many generations to purify an area from negative energies. Used as part of the many ceremonies, the smudge stick plays the part of the purifier, cleanser and agreement of intent to nature. Sage as an herb and incense has also been used in many other cultures, who also agreed that the herb has magical purifying, and clearing abilities. In addition earth workers also use sage as part of a benevolent working as sage is also reputed to encourage a wealth of positive energy to flow. Today sage is one of the tools of choice for many light workers during healing both before and after a healing session. The Smudge stick can be used to cleanse a person, an area or your crystals. How to Use Your Smudge The goal with smudging is not to have flames but smoke. It is the smoke that purifies and cleanses.
