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(20/1 進行2月份) 每月魔法團體儀式以增強個人能量 Monthly Magick Group Ritual to Enhance Personal Energy
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這個魔法儀式會在每個月的指定日子定期進行。透過對每月星座的掌控,我們可以補充當月所缺乏的能量,從而提高自己的運氣運勢,讓每個月都能過著順利、幸福的生活。參與者只需提交姓名和出生日期 ♈ 牡羊座:3月21日至4月19日 白羊座是火象星座。牡羊座的人以好勝而聞名,勇敢、意志堅強、無憂無慮。 ♉ 金牛座:4月20日-5月20日 金牛座是土象星座,通常與固執聯繫在一起。金牛座的人也慷慨、專注,不怕花時間,而且有彈性。 ♊ 雙子座:5月21日至6月21日 雙子座是風象星座。這個星座的人善於交際、聰明、好奇,經常把自己的盤子填得滿滿的,因此很忙碌。 ♋ 巨蟹座:6月22日至7月22日 巨蟹座是水象星座,完善了四個元素。儘管外表冷酷,巨蟹座是情緒豐富的動物。他們經常體驗到高度的感傷和同情心。 ♌ 獅子座:7月23日-8月22日 獅子座是火象星座。他們是天生的領導者,並且受到勇敢精神的驅動。獅子座也被認為是勤奮、自信和忠誠的。 ♍ 處女座:8月23日-9月22日 處女座是土象星座。據說處女座善於分析、注重細節且非常務實。這有時會導致完美主義。他們樂於助人,但也很嚴厲的自我批評。 ♎ 天秤座:9月23日-10月23日 天秤座是風象星座。這個星座熱愛和諧也就不足為奇了。據說天秤座富有創意和理想主義。這一星座的人也可能優柔寡斷,經常權衡自己的選擇,難以做出承諾。 ♏ 天蠍座:10月24日至11月21日 天蠍座是水象星座,以堅定、熱情和好勝而聞名。天蠍座出生的人也被認為是神秘的。 ♐ 射手座:11月22日-12月21日 射手座是火象星座。這個星座非常喜歡冒險和自由奔放,不斷尋求旅行和改變。然而,這種無憂無慮的性質可能會導致不一致。 ♑ 摩羯座:12月22日至1月19日 最後的土象星座。這一星座的人被認為雄心勃勃、務實且專注。他們可以成為可以依靠的肩膀,但也可以變得悲觀或冷漠。 ♒ 水瓶座:1月20日-2月18日 水瓶座是風象星座,不是水象星座。他們是有遠見的思想家,往往聰明、有創造力。他們也可能很疏遠並且難以表達情感。 ♓ 雙魚座:2月19日至3月20日 雙魚座是最後一個水象星座。出生在這個星座的人被認為具有同理心和直覺。他們很容易讀懂別人的情緒,並且被自己的情緒所左右。雙魚座善解人意且浪漫,透過高度的敏感度來體驗世界。 Monthly Magick Group Ritual to Enhance Personal Energy This magick ritual will be carried out regularly on designated days every month. Through the control of monthly zodiac signs, we can fill up the energy we lack in that month, so as to improve our luck and live a smooth and happy life every month. Participants only need to submit their name and date of birth ♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19 Aries is a fire sign. Known to be competitive, those born under Aries are courageous, strong-willed and carefree. ♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20 Taurus is an earth sign and is commonly associated with stubbornness. Tauruses are also generous and dedicated, unafraid to take their time and resilient. ♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21 Gemini is an air sign. Bearers of this sign are communicative, intellectual and curious, often filling their plates so that busyness abounds. ♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22 Cancer is a water sign, rounding out the four elements. Despite their hard exteriors, Cancers are deeply emotional creatures. They often experience high levels of sentimentality and compassion. ♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22 Leo is a fire sign. They are natural-born leaders and are driven by a courageous spirit. Leos are also considered to be hard-working, confident and loyal. ♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22 Virgo is an earth sign. Virgos are said to be analytical, detail-oriented and highly practical. This occasionally leads to perfectionism. They love to help but are fierce self-critics. ♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23 Libra is an air sign. It's no surprise that this sign loves harmony. Libras are said to be creative and idealistic. Those born under the sign can also be indecisive and often weigh their options, struggling to commit. ♏ Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24–November 21 Scorpio is a water sign is known to be determined, passionate and competitive. Those born under Scorpio are also considered mysterious and intense. ♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21 Sagittarius is a fire sign. The sign is quite adventurous and free-spirited, constantly seeking travel and change. However, this carefree nature can lead to inconsistency. ♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19 The final earth sign. Those born under the sign are seen as ambitious, practical and focused. They can be a shoulder to lean on but also can become pessimistic or cold. ♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18 Aquarius is an air sign, not a water sign. They are forward thinkers and tend to be clever, creative and intelligent. They can also be distant and struggle to express emotion. ♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20 Pisces is the last of the water signs. Those born under the sign are considered empathetic and intuitive. They can easily read the emotions of others and are ruled by their own. Pisces are understanding and romantic, experiencing the world through heightened sensitivity.
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