100G 金錢香薰枝 100 g bulk pack Money Drawing incense stick


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金錢香枝可很到各種金錢需要, 配合儀式使用,或僅可欣賞香味。 散裝包裝為100克,按重量出售-不算棍棒數。 由於包裝後多餘液體的蒸發和乾燥,重量可能會稍微減少。 搖桿數受多種因素影響而變化,但通常不能保證為95-100搖桿。 美國製造。 Money drawing incense has been used by many traditions to call forth what is needed. Use with ritual or just to enjoy the fragrance. Bulk packs are 100 g and are sold by weight - not stick count. Weight may be slightly less due to evaporation and drying of the excess liquid after packaging. Stick count varies due to several factors but is usually 95 - 100 sticks although the count is NOT guaranteed. Made in USA.
