11:11 水星轉運油-交流,機會,成功11:11 Mercury Transit Oil - Communication, Opportunity, Success


已售出: 1


這種油是在水星過境期間於11-11年製造的。 1盎司 水星-我們太陽系的最內層行星-在11月11日通過了太陽。 這意味著水星直接通過太陽,並通過帶有太陽濾光鏡的望遠鏡可以看到,就像一個穿過太陽臉的小黑點。 該油是在這段時間創建的,目的是利用水星和太陽的作用。 這種油充滿了水銀的傳播,智慧,理智和太陽的成功,治愈,清潔和更新的天文特性。 這種油被設計成對您的工作非常有效的突破性,可幫助您輕鬆而精確地實現目標。 包含木根,石南花,阿拉伯樹膠,藏紅花,蒿木,百日草等。 This oil was created on 11-11 during Mercury' transit. 1 ounce, shaded blue glass bottles with aluminum cap. Mercury – the innermost planet of our solar system – transited the sun on November 11th. This means Mercury passed directly in front of the sun and was visible through telescopes with solar filters as a small black dot crossing the sun's face. This oil was created during this time to harness the enregy of Mercury and the Sun. This oil is imbued with the astrologial properties of Mercury-communication, intelligence, reason and the Sun's properties of success, healing, cleansing and renewal. This oil is designed as a super-blast to your work and to help you achieve your goals with precision and ease. Contains sassafras root, heather, gum arabic, saffron, artemesia, centaurea and more.
