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2024 水星逆行團體儀式 2024 mercury retrograde group ritual

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Terjual: 397


水星每年都會逆行三次。由於它在逆行之前會變慢,因此我們將其稱為逆行前。然後水星開始失去力量,因此在這段時期內新的企業做得不好。然後是逆行後,當水星加速或加速時,但仍在緩慢地移動,從而導致所進行的項目進展緩慢。在水星逆行期間,最好不要冒險進入任何新領土並保持原狀。實際上,水星一直繞著太陽運轉,總是朝著相同的方向,或多或少地以相同的速度運轉。知道水星逆行時期可以幫助您提前計劃您的企業,以使它們不會偏離軌道。 2024年,水星逆行三次。 2024年第1次水逆日期:4月1日至4月25日在白羊座逆行 2024年第2次水逆日期:8月4至8月28日在獅子座和處女座逆行 2024年第4次水逆日期:2024年11月25日到2024年12月15日在人馬座逆行 Mercury goes Retrograde three times every year. As it slows down before the Retrograde period, we call it the Pre-Retrograde. Mercury starts losing power then and hence new ventures cannot do well in this period. Then there is the Post-Retrograde when Mercury picks up or gains speed but is still moving slowly enough to cause a slow progress in the projects undertaken. During the Mercury Retrograde period it is best advised not to venture into any new territory and to stay put. Actually Mercury keeps going around the Sun, always in the same direction and more or less at the same speed. Knowing the Mercury retrograde periods can help you to plan your ventures in advance so that they do not go off-track. In 2024 Mercury Retrogrades thrice. Date of the first Mercury retrograde in April 1st to April 25th in Aries Date of the second Mercury retrograde in August 4th to August 28th in First in Leo then in Virgo Date of the third Mercury retrograde in November 25th to December 15th in Sagittarius

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