22 小時卡麥爾愛大天使蠟燭 22 hr Camael Love archangel candle


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大天使卡麥爾蠟燭注入了愛的信息。 大天使卡麥爾加強我們的關係,幫助我們與家人、伴侶和朋友建立更牢固的聯繫。 他幫助治癒抑鬱、破碎的心以及孤獨和絕望的感覺。 卡麥爾展現出純粹的愛,並與玫瑰石英合作,打開我們的心扉,給予和接受和平、愛、同情和仁慈。 採用椰子蠟製成,帶有玫瑰香味。 在霧面玻璃罐中,燃燒時間約為 22 小時。 Archangel Camael candle infused with the message of Love. Archangel Camael stengthens our relationships and assists us with building stronger bonds with families, partners and friends. he helps heal depression, broken hearts and feelings of loneliness and despair. Camael manifests himself as pure love and collaborates with Rose Quartz to open our hearts to giving and receiving peace, love, compassion and kindness. Made with coconut wax with the scent of Rose. In a matte finish glass jar with approximately 22 hours burn time.
