7天玻璃蠟燭控制 7 day glass candle controlling


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寬2 1/2英寸,高8 1/8英寸 通過燃燒7天的可控蠟燭,獲得對敵人和親人的權威。每天燃燒蠟燭,直到看到結果。用真實的提取物加固,可以控制和控制任何情況或個人。可以用三個蠟燭之一來完成。如果使用三支蠟燭,則以三角形形式放置。對於困難的案件,法庭事務很重要,或者對於有品格的人來說。在人的手和衣服上使用控製粉。在洗滌時使用香水或靈性水。祈求詩篇10、15、16和17,以獲得更大的力量並控制局勢。祈禱詩篇前後,請用靈性水洗手。 2 1/2" wide and 8 1/8" tall Gain authority over both enemies and loved ones by burning a controlling 7 day candle. Burn candle daily until you see results. Reinforced with authentic extract to dominate & control any situation or person. It could be done with one of three candles. If three candles are used place in the form of a triangle. For difficult cases, court matters, or in people with strong characters. Use controlling powder on the hands and clothes of the person. Use perfume or spiritual water in your wash. Pray Psalms 10, 15, 16 & 17 to gain more strength and to dominate the situation. Wash your hands with the spiritual water before & after praying the Psalms.
