90 小時 Pentacle(乳香)罐裝蠟燭 90 hr Pentacle (Frankincense) jar candle


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帶有五角星和乳香香味的保護罐蠟燭。 五角星是平衡和保護的象徵,每個點都有自己的意義。 乳香能夠有效消除負面情緒並提高空間的能量水平。 非常適合在儀式中使用的蠟燭。 大約 90 小時的燃燒時間,帶有精美的藝術品,並且是盒裝的。 Protection jar candle with a Pentacle and the scent of Frankincense. The Pentacle is a symbol of balance and protection with each of the points having their own meaning. Frankincense is powerful to remove negativity and raise the energy level of a space. Great candle to use in rituals. Approximately a 90 hour burn time with beautiful artwork and comes boxed.
