90小時 Triquetra (廣藿香)蠟燭 90 hr Triquetra (Patchouli) jar candle


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心靈罐蠟燭與廣藿香香味的 Triquetra 連結。 Triquetra 象徵著生命、死亡和重生。過去、現在和未來。三角形周圍的圓圈象徵著無限和永恆。也代表著保護。圍繞凱爾特結繪製的圓圈代表與神聖的精神統一:一種無法打破的連結。廣藿香的鎮靜香氣將放鬆您的心靈,澄清您的想法,使您能夠與自己保持這種聯繫,並充分享受您的生活。大約 90 小時的燃燒時間,帶有精美的藝術品,並且是盒裝的。 Triquetra connection of the mind jar candle with the scent of Patchouli. The Triquetra is known to symbolize life, death, and rebirth; past, present, and future. The circle around the triquetra signifies the infinite and eternal. It also represents protection. Circles drawn around Celtic knots represent spiritual unity with the divine: a connection that cannot be broken. The calming scent of Patchouli will relax your mind and clarify your thoughts making it possible to keep this connection with yourself and live your life to its fullest. Approximately a 90 hour burn time with beautiful artwork and comes boxed.
