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Angelic Protection Magick : Banish Curses, Negative Energy, Evil, Violence, Bad Luck, and Psychic Attack
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Angelic protection is gentle, calm and kind, yet powerful, subtle and cunning. This bright, white magick can make your enemies tremble with awe while keeping you safe with the power of light. The angels can be called to protect you from violence, bad luck, curses, and attack. They can even protect you from unintentional attack, when somebody else's negative energy is infecting your life, or when the dark thoughts of those nearby bring you harm. The magick is easy to learn and powerful. It can solve an immediate problem or provide ongoing protection. You won't light a single candle, and there is nothing else to buy. All you need is this book. The Body of Protection invokes archangels for ongoing protection, or to provide an immediate boost to any other protection workings. The Circle Banishing rids you of negative energies, strange entities and supernatural attacks. The Illumination increases your magickal presence on the astral plane so that angels will hear you, while providing a shield against anything or anybody that may try to take advantage of your open magickal state. When you suspect that a curse has been set against you, there is an angelic ritual for Freezing a Curse. A Shield Against Magick works when you suspect that somebody is trying to influence you with magick. Remove Entities and Attachments will remove entities that drain energy, bring bad luck and illness, bringing rare freedom. Diminish Violent Energy can lessen the violent energy in an area or home. Protect Your Home repels thieves, vandals and even reduces the number of accidents that cause damage. Silence the Cruel stops the spread of gossip and rumor or unfair comments. This works whether the offender is talking about you directly, openly, anonymously, or even when writing online. Charm Your Enemy is a surprisingly effective way to take power away from an unkind individual. Emergency Protection is for times when you are lost, afraid or in any situation where danger feels imminent. You can bring angelic protection upon yourself instantly. The book closes with a chapter on Protecting Others, which shows how the rituals can be adjusted and adapted to bring protection to your loved ones.
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