Anna Riva Sachet Powder Get Away


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1/2盎司 (14g)透明塑料罐(無香味) 連續三晚在午夜在屋外撒上Anna Riva的GET AWAY,以擺脫可能潛伏的邪惡勢力。 確保入口通道完全散落。 為了阻止不想要的訪客,請散佈在前面的台階上或整個門檻之外。 1/2 oz. (14g) Clear Plastic Jar (Unscented) Sprinkle Anna Riva's Get Away Powder around the outside of the home at midnight for three consecutive nights to get rid of evil forces that may be lurking about. Be sure the entrance ways are sprinkled completely across. To discourage unwanted visitors, scatter on the front steps or across the outside of the threshold.
