Asteroid Goddess


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1970年代中期,全新的占星術實體出現在世界占星術舞台上:四個小行星女神:穀神星,帕拉斯·雅典娜,維斯塔和朱諾,以及彗星/類星體男性凱龍星,改變了占星術的面貌永遠。小行星代表女性原型:處女[身體],女王[精神],母親[情感]和王冠[智力]。 在我們的設計中,維納斯被女神所包圍,這些女神使用維納斯的女性創造力,磁性,性,生殖和生命力來表達男女的女性原則。穀神星(Ceres),原型母親和農業女神,孕育了身體形態的世界,生了孩子並為他們的生存提供了食物。她代表無條件的愛與養育。雅典娜帕拉斯(Pallas Athene)是智慧女神和精神藝術創作者。她代表了創意智能的原則。朱諾(Juno)是婚姻的女神,他與伴侶一起促進和維持聯盟。她像徵著親密和承諾。維斯塔或赫斯提亞(Hestia)是宙斯的未婚姐姐。她是爐床和神聖祭壇火焰的保護者。聖殿女祭司;自我完整和完整意義上的處女。她代表著“精神專注”,並緊隨其後。 大圓圈代表月亮,即女性原則。月亮背後是太陽,這是陽剛原理的體現。他們的聯合象徵著眾生一體。 In the mid 1970’s, a whole new cast of Astrological Entities found themselves appearing on the World Astrological stage: The 4 Asteroid Goddesses: Ceres, Pallas Athene, Vesta and Juno, together with their Comet/Planetoid Male counterpart Chiron, changed the face of Astrology forever. The Asteroids represent Feminine Archetypes: the Maiden [Physical], the Queen [Spiritual], the Mother [Emotional], and the Crone [Intellectual]. In our design Venus is surrounded by the Goddesses who use the Feminine Creative, Magnetic, Sexual, Reproductive, and Vital Life Force of Venus to express the feminine principles in both men and women. Ceres, the Archetypal Mother and the Goddess of Agriculture, gives birth to the world of Physical Form, bearing children and providing food for their survival. She stands for Unconditional Love and Nurturing. Pallas Athene is the Goddess of Wisdom and Mental and Artistic Creations. She represents the principle of Creative Intelligence. Juno is the Goddess of Marriage who fosters and sustains Union with a partner. She symbolizes Relatedness and Commitment. Vesta, or Hestia, was Zeus’s elder sister who never married. She is the Protectress of the Hearth and the Sacred Altar Flame. The Temple Priestess; a Virgin in the sense of Being Whole and Complete in Oneself. She represents Spiritual Focus and following one’s calling. The large circle represents The Moon, the Feminine Principle. Behind the Moon resides the Sun, the embodiment of the Masculine Principle. Their union symbolizes Oneness with the All.
