Aura Suavis Oil-To Cleanse and Balance the Aura and Chakras Aura Suavis油-清潔和平衡氣場脈輪


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這種油是一種特殊的混合物,可以清除污衊,使您保持平衡。 當你保持平衡時治愈並體現您的目標。 在開始工作之前,使用此工具可以使您保持平衡,然後才能開始藝術創作。 對於那些在職業生涯中與公眾打交道的人來說,這也很棒。 老師,社會工作者,服務員,調酒師...在任何遭受他人胡言亂語的地方。 This oil is a special blend to clear away the shit and get you nice and balanced. When you are balanced you heal and manifest your goals. Use this tool to get you evened out before you start a working or for those in the healing industry, such as massage therapists or reiki healers, before you start your art. This is also wonderful for those who deal with the public in their career. Teacher, social workers, servers, bartenders...anywhere you are subjected to other people's crap.
