Break Up Desamarre Scented Gel Candle


已售出: 3


分開戀人或拆散任何關係 祈禱:“I invoke this prayer in the name of the Holy Spirit Of Hate. To the Guardian Angel of (….his name and her name…). Inspire a hate so powerful that they can never remember each other’s names without feeling hate. Turn all their joyful memories into painful nightmares. If they ever meet and want to see each other. I invoke the Spirit Of All The Roads to separate their pathways. AMEN.” 每支玻璃蠟燭內有一個人型的蠟燭和各式魔法材料,己經加入了聖化效果。 該蠟燭大約高8英寸,重1磅4盎司 To Break Them Up Prayer: “I invoke this prayer in the name of the Holy Spirit Of Hate. To the Guardian Angel of (….his name and her name…). Inspire a hate so powerful that they can never remember each other's names without feeling hate. Turn all their joyful memories into painful nightmares. If they ever meet and want to see each other. I invoke the Spirit Of All The Roads to separate their pathways. AMEN." Each glass candle has a human-shaped candle and various magic materials, which have been added with the effect of sanctification. The candle is about 8 inches tall and weighs 1 pound 4 ounces
