Brigid’s Knot


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Brigid's Knot以凱爾特三女神Brigid命名。她的名字拼寫很多。 Brighid,Brigit,Bridget,Brigid和Brid。愛爾蘭語的發音是(Breet)。布里吉特(Brigid)是她的異教徒追隨者中最受愛戴的凱爾特女神。她是愛爾蘭偉大父神“達格達”的女兒。在希臘神話中,三位女神像徵著處女,母親和老太太,或女人一生的三個階段。 Brigid因其三個不同的屬性組而被稱為“三位一體的女神”。凱爾特人的神話告訴我們,有三個姐妹,都叫布里吉德,後來被統稱為“女神布里吉德”。作為太陽女神,她是強大,強大和活躍的力量。她是金屬鍛造和工藝的“鍛爐之火”女神。癒合,生育,家庭和分娩的女神“爐火”;還有“靈感之火”詩,智慧和文化女神。 Brigid’s Knot is named after the Celtic Triple Goddess Brigid. Her name is spelled in many ways; Brighid, Brigit, Bridget, Brigid, and Brid. The Irish pronunciation is (Breet). Brigid was the most beloved Celtic Goddess of her Pagan followers. She was the daughter of “The Dagda” the great father-god of Ireland. In Greek Mythology, the triple-goddess symbolizes maiden, mother and crone, or the three stages of a woman’s life. Brigid is called a “Triple-Goddess” because of her three distinct groups of attributes. Celtic myth tells us there were three sisters, all named Brigid, who later became known collectively as “The Goddess Brigid”. As a sun Goddess, she is a powerful, strong, and active force. She is the “Fire of the Forge” goddess of metal-smithing and craftsmanship; “Fire of the Hearth”goddess of Healing, Fertility, Family, and Childbirth; and “Fire of Inspiration” goddess of poetry, wisdom, and culture. Brigid came into being at daybreak, rising into the sky with the Sun, beams of fire flowing from her head. She brings gifts of light through, inspiration, knowledge, and healing. In Druid Mythology, it’s said that the infant goddess was fed with milk from sacred cows and whereupon she walked, flowers and shamrocks appeared. We celebrate this Goddess on the feast day known as, Imbolc. At the beginning of February, we welcome the lengthening days and the coming of Spring. We honor the Goddess and her sacred fire; as Healer, to spark and balance our energies; as muse, to spark our creative processes; as metal smith, to spark the glowing forge which enables our crafts to come to light. Brigid’s Knot was created in honor of this Goddess and Saint. It is made up of three trefoil knots, symbolizing three-as-one. The three knots form into a triquetra, or triangle, representing the triple-goddess. The downward-pointing triangle is a symbol of the female yoni, where all of creation begins. Wear Brigid’s Knot to Honor the Goddess and bring Positive Energy, Harmony, and Creativity into your Hearth and Home!
