Don Dinero 儀式手工釀造精神噴霧 - 帶來現金和祝福 Don Dinero Ritually Hand Brewed Spiritual Mist Spray- Bring in Cash & Blessings


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Don Juan del Dinero),又名金錢先生,是委內瑞拉瑪麗亞·利昂扎(Maria Lionza)通靈術中的民間聖人或金錢、繁榮和富足的靈魂。 對莫尼先生的崇拜已經傳播到許多傳統的民間魔法實踐中,並且在許多用於神秘魔法出售的精神產品上都可以找到莫尼先生的形象。 民間傳說 - 唐·胡安·德爾·迪內羅 (Don Juan del Dinero) 被用來幫助吸引金錢和繁榮進入人們的生活。 並將幫助您增加現金流、改善您的業務、增加您的儲蓄,甚至在機會遊戲中提供幫助! 他的顏色是銀色和金色(在美國是綠色),他的特殊祈禱或神諭如下:"I (name) invoke the sublime influence of the Holy Name of Almighty God and Don Juan del Dinero so that you may offer me protection and help, so that you may free me from poverty and need, that you provide me with abundance and happiness, that the star of good luck shine for me and may fortune and success accompanies me in all that I set out to do, under your patronage I place myself. Don Juan del Dinero, do not leave me in forgetfulness and always be by my side. Amen." 可以為崇拜者帶來巨大的財富和繁榮。 Don Dinero Spiritual Mist Spray 採用 4 盎司噴霧瓶裝。 Don Juan del Dinero, a.k.a. Mr. Money, is the folk saint or spirit of money, prosperity, and abundance in the Venezuelan spiritism cult of Maria Lionza. The veneration of Mr. Money has spread into the folk magic practices of many traditions and the image of Mr. Money can be found on many spiritual products sold for use in occult magic. Folklore- Don Juan del Dinero is invoked to help attract money and prosperity into people's lives. and will help you increase your cash flow, improve your business, boost your savings and even help at games of chance! His colors are silver and gold (and green in the U.S.) and his special prayer or oracion, is as follows: "I (name) invoke the sublime influence of the Holy Name of Almighty God and Don Juan del Dinero so that you may offer me protection and help, so that you may free me from poverty and need, that you provide me with abundance and happiness, that the star of good luck shine for me and may fortune and success accompanies me in all that I set out to do, under your patronage I place myself. Don Juan del Dinero, do not leave me in forgetfulness and always be by my side. Amen." Don Juan del Dinero can great wealth and prosperity to worshippers. Don Dinero Spiritual Mist Spray comes in a 4-ounce spray bottle.
