Dragon Claws



已售出: 1


唔同顏色有不同的用途 Different color have different purpose 黑:帶來自我控制與力量,重生與復活,穩定與力量 black: bring self control & power, rebirth & resurretion, stability & power 透明:引導並增強能量,純正,精神完善和知識。 自我照亮,完美的洞察力 clear: channels and enchances energy, purity, spirtual perfection & knowledge. self-illumination, perfect insight 紅: 戰鬥技巧,愛,喜悅,激情,力量,身體健康,勝利與成功 Red:skill in battle, love, joy, passion, strength, great health, victory & success 粉紅:與鎮定,淨化,身體健康,重新愛情,增強迷惑感 Pink: loving & calming, purification, good health, renew love, heightens sensuality 琥珀: 展現勇氣,力量,重要的動力,增強溝通和專注力 Amber:presents courage, strength, vital dynamic force, heightens communication & concentration 綠:吸引金錢,治愈醫療問題,富裕,繁榮與成功 Green:attract money, heals medical problems, abundance, prosperity & success 淺藍:自由,創造力和自我表達,非常適合作家 Light Blue:freedom, creativity & self-expression, excellent for writer 藍:增強超感官的感知,直覺和深刻的理解。 反映出真理,智慧,忠誠,和平與沈思。 Blue: enhances extrasensory perception, intuition and deep understanding. Reflects truth, wisdom, loyalty, peace and contemplation. 紫:宇宙意識,真理,正義,節制,皇室,團結,緩解抑鬱 Purple:cosmic consciousness, truth, justice, temperance, royalty, unity, relieves depression
