Faunabelle Tarot


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There are so many options these days when it comes to buying tarot decks. So why buy this one? Here are three reasons you'll want FAUNABELLE in your life: 1. WE ARE EXPERTS — Many decks are created by people who have had very little interaction with tarot. This deck is created by a two person team: a children's illustrator and a full-time astrologer and tarot reader, who has worked with the tarot since 2004. 2. MADE ESPECIALLY FOR CHILDREN — Even though tarot readers of all ages will enjoy this deck, the guidebook uses simple language and examples that children can easily identify with. Readers of all ages will delight in the gorgeously illustrated animals! 3. AND WITH LOVE — This deck ensouls a spirit of gratitude, joy and harmony. Every tarot deck has a personality. If you're looking for an uplifting, sweet, and "Big Sister Best Friend" type of deck, you'll find it in FAUNABELLE. W H O I S T H I S D E C K F O R ? This deck is a good fit for: Children from the ages of 3-12 Pre-teens and teens interested in learning tarot Tarot beginners of all ages Long time tarot readers who would like to reconnect to the basics Tarot deck collectors Art collectors And anyone looking to invite more compassion and self-reflection into their life.
