Feminist - Modern Soul Fragrance


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Feminist適合你們中那些願意繼承父權制,捍衛婦女權利,喚醒女巫並要求所有人享有平等權利的人。 #metoo運動使我為今天為爭取我們應得的尊重而奮鬥的婦女感到自豪。 這種混合是有基礎的,同時又打破了所有傳統的混合規則。 每次聞到頭都會抬高一點。 它具有木質檀香和柑橘佛手柑的混合香氣,並帶有意想不到的羅勒和淡淡的乳香。 這種融合是大膽,振奮人心的,並且與改變規範有關。 使用方法:要獲得最持久的香氣,可將其塗抹在身體的感官區域,例如手腕,膝蓋後,鎖骨,胸部和耳朵後面。 Feminist is for those of you who are ready to hex the patriarchy, stand up for women's rights, wake the witches and who demand equal rights for all. The #metoo movement left me feeling proud of today's women who are fighting for the respect we deserve. This blend is grounded while at the same time, breaks all of the traditional blending rules. I lift my head a little higher every time I smell it. It features a multi-note blend of woody sandalwood and citrusy bergamot coupled with unexpected basil and just a touch of frankincense. This blend is bold, uplifting and all about changing the norm. How to Use: For the most long lasting scent, apply to delicate, sensual areas of the body such as the wrists, behind knees, the collarbone, breasts and behind the ears.
