Femme Blanche油 Femme Blanche Oil


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這是一個古老的,眾所周知的公式,用於解決您的愛情生活中的問題。 這種油有助於喚起愛的同情心。 埃爾祖利(Erzulie)看到了心靈的一切,甚至是前世。 她目睹了所有問題,甚至是您的問題。 這種油可通過請Erzulie代您代禱而幫助清理業力債務。 這種油有助於解決舊問題和過去的生活習慣。 如果這些問題沒有解決,將會被重複,這通常會阻礙尋找健康的人際關係。 我建議使用兩支白色蠟燭,每個蠟燭代表一個人。 穿好蠟燭並分開放置,在這一天,您將使蠟燭彼此靠近,以促進癒合,同情心和親密感。 在您當然地學習了課程之後,請Erzulie寬恕您的業力債務並擦淨石板! 由garden子花,木蘭,莉莉谷和我親手採摘的白牡丹和茉莉花蕾製成。 This is an old, well known formula for clearing up issues in your love life. This oil helps to evoke the compassionate side of love. Erzulie sees all matters of the heart-even past lives. She has witnessed ALL issues-even yours. This oil will help cleanse karmic debts by petitioning Erzulie to intercede on your behalf. This oil helps resolves old issues and past life patterns. If these aren't cleared up, they will be repeated and this often stands in the way of finding healthy relationships. I recommend using with two white candles-one representing each person. Dress the candles and place far apart, eahc day you will move them closer to one another to promote healing, compassion and closeness. Ask Erzulie to forgive your karmic debts and wipe the slate clean-after you have learned your lesson of course! Created from gardenia, magnolia, lilly of the valley and my own hand harvested white peony and jasmine buds.
