Four Thieves 魔法香水 Four Thieves Magickal Perfume


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增強免疫力和健康 傳說在中世紀黑死病(腺鼠疫)流行期間,馬賽四個惡人趁機闖入瘟疫患者的家並搶劫。當他們最終被抓住時,人們質疑他們,為什麼他們直接接觸了那麼多死者和患病的受害者,卻從未感染疾病。為了換取自由,他們交出了每次外出後用來洗澡的草藥配方。這個配方歷經多個世紀而忠實地傳承下來,至今仍被用作抗菌和抗細菌劑。一些食譜有一些變化,但這裡使用的草藥混合物包括我在每個版本中看到的列出的所有草藥。 1 盎司(10drm)玻璃瓶,附噴霧器 For Immuse & health booster Legend has it that during the Black Death (bubonic) Plague of the Middle Ages, four unscrupulous men in Marseilles took advantage of the situation by breaking into and robbing the homes of the plague victims. When they were finally caught, they were questioned how it was possible that they came into direct contact with so many dead and diseased victims and yet never contracted the disease themselves. In exchange for their freedom, they turned over the recipe for the herbal concoction they used to wash themselves in after each excursion. This recipe has been faithfully passed down over the ages and is still in use today as a anti-microbial and anti-bacterial. There are a few variations in some recipes but the herbal blend used here includes all of the herbs I have seen listed in every version. 1 oz (10drm) Glass bottle w/mist spray top

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