Grounded Room + Body Spray


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用這種噴霧劑留下憤怒和負面能量。 橙色和廣羅香具有物理和神奇的能量。 而玫瑰石英則消除了對他人的憤怒和不滿。 用途:可在整個神聖或日常空間內噴在身體上。 成分:蓖麻油,廣羅香精油,乳香精油,橙色精油,綠松石,玫瑰石英,檸檬色 手工製作的外觀可能會略有不同。2盎司 Leave anger and negative energy behind with this spray. Orange and Patchouli have physical and magical energy. While Rose Quartz clears out anger and resentment towards others. Uses: Can be sprayed on the body, throughout your sacred or everyday space. Ingredients: Castor Oil, Patchouli essential oil, Frankincense essential oil, Orange essential oil, Turquoise, Rose Quartz, Citrine Handmade-look may vary slightly.2oz
