Haitian綁定蠟燭 Cndl Cocktail Haitian Bind


已售出: 46


用於防止傷害,邪惡或嫉妒,令關係能夠甜蜜相處 2½“寬x 8 1/8”高玻璃。 帶有透視蓋。蠟燭為燃燒約 120小時。 燭光7天用高香氣的塊料以及專門為此目的製成的特殊種子和草藥混合物製成。 Used to prevent harm, evil or jealousy, so that the relationship can get along sweetly 2 ½" Wide x 8 1/8" Tall Glass. Comes with a see through Lid. Candle Burns for Aprox. 120 Hours. Candle 7 Day Prepared with high fragranced chunks and a special blend of seeds & herbs made especially for that purpose.
