Hieronymus Bosch's The Seven Deadly Sins Altar Cloth


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這是一個掌握 Hieronymus Bosch 的《七大罪》的機會! 這種漂亮的布可以用作祭壇布、塔羅布,甚至可以裝裱成獨特的藝術品。 七大罪最初是在 1500 年代初畫在木桌上的,後來成為西班牙國王菲利普二世最喜歡的畫作。 它具有奢華、柔滑的質地,是與 The Hieronymus Bosch Tarot 一起閱讀的完美伴侶。 尺寸:16 英寸 x 18 英寸 材質:滌綸超細纖維 材料厚度:90gs Here's a chance to hold Hieronymus Bosch's The Seven Deadly Sins in your hands! This beautiful cloth can be used as an altar cloth, a Tarot cloth, or even framed as a unique work of art. The Seven Deadly Sins was originally painted in the early 1500s on a wooden tabletop and became a favorite painting of King Philip II of Spain. It has a luxurious, silky texture and makes a perfect companion for readings with The Hieronymus Bosch Tarot. Size: 16in x 18inch Material: Polyester Microfiber Material thickness: 90gs
