Holy Death 7 day jar candle

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NuestraSeñorade la Santa Muerte或俗稱Santa Muerte(西班牙,聖死或聖死),是一位女性民間聖人,主要在墨西哥和美國西南部擁有尊貴地位。 她是死亡的擬人化,與奉獻者的康復,保護和向來世的安全分娩有關。 這款功能強大的7天廣口瓶蠟燭旨在為您希望改善的環境祈禱時燃燒7天。 該蠟燭高8英寸,直徑2 1/2英寸。 有黑色或白色 Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte or, colloquially, Santa Muerte (Spanish for Holy Death or Sacred Death), is a female folk saint venerated primarily in Mexico and the Southwestern United States. A personification of death, she is associated with healing, protection, and safe delivery to the afterlife by her devotees. This powerful 7-day jar candle is intended to be burned for seven days while you pray for the improved circumstances you desire. This candle stands 8" tall and 2 1/2" in diameter. Have black or white color
