Hummingbird (Chuparrosa) Mystical Astral Candle


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強大的蜂鳥–賦予生命,是愛的甜蜜蜜的象徵; 請授予我與我摯愛的伙伴的健康,安全和尊重的愛的關係-我受到尊重和渴望,並表示感謝。 願我們的愛堅強! 我們的戀情充滿激情和熱情,也充滿愛與關懷。 O powerful Hummingbird – who gives Life, and who is a symbol of the sweet nectar of love; Please grant me a Healthy and Safe and Respectful Love relationship with my beloved partner- that I am respected and desired deeply and shown much appreciation. May our love be strong! And our romance be passionate and hot, but loving and caring, too.
