Kiss&Tell Oil-引起大家的注意,使關係正式化 Kiss & Tell Oil - Draw exclusive attention, make relationship official


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等待您的關係公開化並吸引家人和朋友嗎? 該機油旨在為您帶來成果,並將您的親戚關係提高到新的水平! 用於紅色和紫色蠟燭。 由玫瑰果,獨活草,乳香,cal蒲根,歐亞甘草,金蓮花和金銀花製成。 Waiting on an "official" relationship? Waiting for your relationship to be made public and exclisive to family and friends? This oil is designed to get you results and move your relatioship to the next level! Use on red and purple candles. Created with rose hips, lovage, frankincense, calamus root, licorice root, amansa guapo and honeysuckle.
