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Luna Rosa 儀式噴霧


已售出: 1


愛 |美容 |靈魂滋養 |女性能量 當我將身體和儀式油按摩到我的皮膚或我的儀式工具上時,噴灑空氣中的薄霧輕輕覆蓋我。從來沒有比 Luna Rosa 產品更重要的了。 這霧氣的一切都是柔軟的、花香的、情感上的支持和滋養。他們支持性感和女性賦權。女性,尤其是女巫,需要更大的發言權。這個儀式二人組將幫助你找到你的。 與 Luna Rosa 合作的最佳時間: 在滿月期間——尤其是在天秤座或金牛座的滿月。 做神聖的女性工作。 從少女轉變為母親或母親轉變為老嫗。 母女工作。 尋求重獲自信和性感。 與 Fae 合作。 與維納斯、阿芙羅狄蒂或任何其他女神一起為愛與美工作。 氣味簡介: 前 調是玫瑰和玫瑰天竺葵,以香草、玫瑰木和玫瑰花為基調。 Ritual Mist 成分:Aqua(過濾水)、保加利亞 Rosa Damascena(玫瑰)純露、天然香料混合物(含有精油和天竺葵、岩薔薇、玫瑰、玫瑰木、依蘭、玫瑰木和香草的提取物)、桃月光石。 Love | Beauty | Soul Nourishment | Feminine Energy To spray the mist in the air to gently cover me as I massage a body and ritual oil into my skin or on my ritual tools. And never was this more important than with the Luna Rosa offerings. Everything about this mist is soft, floral, emotionally supportive, and nurturing. They support sensuality and feminine empowerment. Women, and especially witches need a bigger voice. This ritual duo will help you to find yours. Best times to work with Luna Rosa: During the full moon -- especially a full moon in Libra or Taurus. Doing divine feminine work. Transitioning from maiden to mother or mother to crone. Mother daughter work. Seeking to regain confidence and sensuality. Work with the Fae. Working with Venus, Aphrodite, or any other Goddess for love and beauty. Scent Profile: Tops notes of rose and rose geranium, grounded with vanilla, rosewood, and palma rosa. Ritual Mist Ingredients: Aqua (filtered water), Bulgarian Rosa Damascena (rose) hydrosol, natural fragrance blend (with essentials oils & extracts of geranium, rockrose, rose, palma rosa, ylang ylang, rosewood, & vanilla), peach moonstone.
