Lunalapin Tarot & Oracle 2in1 Deck 2022 with bag


已售出: 1


This is a new edition of the beautiful 78-card Bunny Tarot. The illustrations, card stock & details make it a top-notch deck - best for Tarot Beginners and Advanced Readers. This Edition is a 100-card Tarot & Oracle Deck for a more in-depth Tarot Reading. This self-published Tarot Card Deck is a Rider Waite Tarot including both Major Arcana & Minor Arcana (78 cards) & another 22 Oracle Cards with each card a unique painting of the cute little bunnies. This deck is great for your daily Tarot readings or give it to a Tarot-reader friend as a gift. Don't miss this deck if you are a Bunny Lover, Tarot Collectors, and Tarot Art Fanciers. The Tarot Deck is created by Thai Artist Kanitsart S., author of the Stray Cat Tarot, Aibo Dog Tarot, Lunalapin Oracle Deck, Luna Lapin Tarot Stickers, etc. The deck is a powerful Tarot Deck despite its cute Animal images, as those who own the deck claimed that they can sense a strong connection when reading the cards.
