Nag Chanmpa香薰粒 Nag Chanmpa Kamini cone


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用於治療 Nag Champa 是另一種強大的混合多種不同樹脂、芳香油和草藥的混合物。用於製作 Nag Champa 香的主要成分是雞蛋花和檀香的提取物。令人陶醉但令人愉悅的香味是一種神聖的熏香,在許多印度儀式中用於祈求神靈並使一個地區成聖。當在家中或工作場所定期點亮時,它可以淨化消極的地方並淨化該區域以吸引繁榮和善意。在精神儀式中,它有助於冥想和獲得精神滿足。這款香水應該能吸引你周圍的好心情。 relaxing atmosphere & meditiating Nag Champa is another powerful blend of several different resins, aromatic oils and herbs. The main ingredients used to create the Nag Champa incense are extracts of Frangipani and sandalwood. The heady yet pleasing fragrance is a sacred incense used in many Indian rituals to invoke gods and to sanctify an area. When lighted regularly at home or in the work place, it cleanses the place of negativity and purifies the area to attract prosperity and good will. In spiritual rituals, it helps in meditation and attaining spiritual fulfillment. The fragrance is supposed to attract good spirits around you.
