Orisha Oshun 愛與生育女神 7 天祈禱蠟燭 Orisha Oshun Goddess of Love & Fertility 7 Day Prayer Candle


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Oshun 是甜蜜、愛情和美麗的 Orisha。她是女性優雅的化身,是一個輕浮的風騷。她是一位慷慨慈愛的母親,但如果受到委屈,她也會很快變得苦澀。一旦她變壞了,她就不會原諒和不屈不撓。奧順可以創造無數的奇蹟。她是 Orishas 中最年輕的,被描繪成一個性感的混血女人,穿著黃色,凝視著鏡子。奧順的顏色和黃色和琥珀色。她的號碼是5。 奧順是河水之神,也被視為愛與性的化身。她代表著生活的樂趣,在很多方面,她讓生活變得有價值,奧順是黃金的守護神,所有的財富都歸她所有。她還掌管婚姻,是生育的給予者。她的影響溫柔而充滿愛心,她教導人類生命的秘訣就是愛。 Oshun祈禱:“Oshun please guide and protect me. Open the doors of opportunity by removing obstacles from my path. Give me courage to overcome my problems and defeat my enemies. Bring justice and balance to my life by bestowing your wisdom upon me. With your powers please give me the strength to fight and win my daily battles. I am ready for your winds of change that bring prosperity to my realm. Amen.” Orishas 是精神存有,他們的任務是維護地球,監視人類事務,並且每個人都統治著一部分自然。每個 Orisha 都認同自然力量以及人類的興趣或努力。這些 Orishas 是人類與至高存在之間的調解人。 To Attract Love Passion & Romance Oshun is the Orisha of sweetness, love, and beauty. She is the embodiment of feminine grace, and is a flirtatious coquette. She is a generous and loving mother, but she can also quickly turn bitter if she is wronged. Once she is soured, she is unforgiving and unbending. Oshun can accomplish miracles untold. She is the youngest of the Orishas and is depicted as a flirtatious, mixed race woman dressed in yellow, gazing in a mirror. Oshun’s colors and yellow and amber. Her number is 5. Oshun is the deity of the river waters and is also seen as the embodiment of love and sexuality. She represents the joy of life and is, in many ways, what makes life worth living, Oshun is the patron of gold and all wealth is hers to give. She also rules marriage and is the giver of fertility. Her influence is gentle and loving and she teaches humanity that the secret of life is love. Oshun Prayer: “Oshun please guide and protect me. Open the doors of opportunity by removing obstacles from my path. Give me courage to overcome my problems and defeat my enemies. Bring justice and balance to my life by bestowing your wisdom upon me. With your powers please give me the strength to fight and win my daily battles. I am ready for your winds of change that bring prosperity to my realm. Amen.” Orishas are spiritual beings who have been tasked with maintaining this Earth, watching over the affairs of humanity and each has dominion over a portion of nature. Each Orisha is identified with natural forces as well as with human interests or endeavors. These Orishas are mediators between humanity and the Supreme Being.
