Runic Love Amulet

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已售出: 2


坊間好多人買既愛情錬咀,一直都只係入左到大版本,今次終於都入到細版,功效一樣,適合任何愛情願望 Many people seek for this love pendant, finally this time we have restock the small size, and it has the same power with the large one This amulet features the masculine cross embraced by the feminine circle. The runic inscription on the inner circle translates: “the seeds of love grow in trust”. Each corner of the amulet’s cardinal point’s are protected by the runes of love, passion, trust and joy to ensure a harmonious loving relationship for the wearer. . “Myths can be seen as eternal truths that challenge and expand our imagination. A symbol is a mediator of wisdom; it conveys more than the eye perceives.”
