Sambucus Tarot

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接骨木被視為靈魂的棲息地。因為會產生女巫及厄運相關的負面聯想。中世紀時,焚燒接骨木或將它帶進握內都是不吉利的。過經過適當的處理的接骨木則可以產生保護的功能,以遠離厄運與壞事 This is a Rider-Waite-Smith style Tarot Deck, although there is no English Manual provided, you will be able to interpret the cards, it has the same interpretation as the standard RWS Tarot Deck. Complete 78 card deck, includes the full Major and Minor Arcana Standard Tarot size - 7 x 12cm (2.75 x 4.75 inches)
