Satya: The Heart of Truth


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“瑜伽”之路的IPart就是遵循帕坦加利瑜伽經所設定的“瑜伽的八肢”。 8條肢體分別是:亞馬(社會倫理學),尼亞馬(個人倫理學),體式(姿勢,坐姿),呼吸法(呼吸調節),法輪功(感官的內化),達拉那(焦點),禪定(冥想)和Samadhi(完全吸收)。 “ Satya”是梵語中“真”或“真”的“ Yamas”之一。 “薩蒂亞”(Satya)所指的真理不僅僅是字面意義上的“真相”,而且還意味著無意用我們的思想,言語或行為欺騙他人。必須先練習一下,然後再說或寫真相。謠言傳播,流言ip語和虛構的書面文字已經造成了很多傷害。 我對“ Satya”的表示是梵文的符號,被內心包圍。我每天的祈禱是:親愛的(主,母親),請幫助我永遠尋求真理。請幫助我總是說實話。請幫助我永遠實現我的真理。讓這個護身符引導您了解自己的個人真理。你相信什麼?你代表什麼?您是否在實踐自己的真理?忠於自己的原則和信念的生活? Part of the “yogin’s” path is to follow “The 8 Limbs of Yoga” as set down in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. The 8 Limbs are: Yama (social ethics), Niyama (personal ethics), Asana (posture, sitting), Pranayama (breath regulation), Pratyahara, (internalization of the senses), Dharana (focus), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (complete absorption). “Satya” is one of the “Yamas” that in Sanskrit means truth or truthfulness. The truth that is meant by “Satya” is not just “truth” in the literal sense but means not intending to deceive others in our thoughts, words, or deeds. One must make it a practice to know what the truth is before speaking or writing. Much hurt and pain has been caused by rumor-spreading, gossip, and the fabricated written word. My representation of “Satya” is the Sanskrit symbol, encircled within a heart. My daily prayer is: Dear (Lord, Mother), please help me to always seek the truth. Please help me to always speak the truth. Please help me to always live my truth. Let this Amulet guide you to know your own personal truth. What do you believe in? What do you stand for? Are you living your own truth; a life true to your own principles and beliefs?
