Spiritual Scented Candle Rue


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Mas Alla 的 7 天精神香薰蠟燭 Rue 是 100% Original-Vela de Esencia Espritual De Ruda。這支蠟燭配有 Rue 精神油。芸香植物自古以來就被用作驅除邪靈和摧毀任何負面意圖的手段。當你點燃蠟燭時,讓它的神秘力量消除負能量並吸引正能量。 採用 在兒童或寵物接觸不到的安全位置點燃蠟燭。當您點亮 Rue 蠟燭時,請閱讀標籤上的祈禱文。冥想並建造一道能量牆,保護您的精神並驅散邪靈。不要讓任何精神蠟燭燃燒到盡頭,因為這被認為是不吉利的。蠟燭不應該自然死亡。 警告 遠離兒童和寵物。切勿將點燃的蠟燭無人看管,並將其放置在遠離任何可能著火的安全位置。 手工製作的精神蠟燭 100% 原創 這支蠟燭估計可以燃燒 145 小時 Seven day spiritual scented candle Rue by Mas Alla is 100% Original- Vela de Esencia Espiritual De Ruda. This candle Comes prepared with Rue spiritual oil. The Rue plant has been used since ancient times as a means to cast away any evil spirits, and to destroy any negative intentions sent your way. As you burn the candle let its mystical powers remove negative energies and attract positive energies. USE Light up candle in a safe location out of the reach from children or pets. As you light up the Rue candle read the prayer located on the label. Meditate and build an energy wall that protects your spirit and breaks away evil spirits. Do not allow any spiritual candle burn to its end, since it is considered bad luck. A candle should never reach its natural death. CAUTION Keep away from children and pets. Never leave a lit up candle unattended and place in a safe location away from anything that can catch fire. Hand Crafted Prepared Spiritual Candle 100% Original This candle is estimated to burn for 145 hours
