Star Child Celestial Body Oil


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Star Child專為樂觀和希望而設計。 它幫助人們“伸手摘星”,並相信一個人有能力超越其局限性並克服障礙。 這種融合既輕鬆又紮根,可以幫助人們找到靈感並勇於採取行動。 使用方法:使用潤膚霜或在溫水浴中添加一些,以使皮膚柔軟,甜美。 也可以添加到蠟燭,乳液和護髮產品中作為芳香療法。 Star Child is crafted explicitly for optimism and hope. It helps one to "reach for the stars" and to believe one is capable of expanding past their limitations and overcoming their obstacles. This blend is both light and grounding to help one find inspiration and to find the courage to act. How to Use: use a body moisturizer or add a few pumps to a warm bath for a luscious, skin softening treatment. Can also be added to candles, lotions, and hair products as an aromatherapy treatment.
