Sun Child Celestial Body Oil


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Sun Child專為打造力量,力量和幸福而設計。 太陽的能量幫助我們連接到我們的自信和動力。 這種油可以幫助人們彰顯自己的目標,並使自己更加積極向上和外向。 如何使用: 代替傳統的潤膚霜使用,或添加到常規潤膚露和麵霜中。 添加到蠟燭和儀式 在浸浴時加一湯匙 在進行瑜伽之類的儀式或運動練習之前,適用於手掌,手腕,太陽穴和肩膀 Sun Child is crafted explicitly for power, strength, and happiness. The energy of the sun helps us to connect to our self-confidence and motivation. This oil helps one to manifest one’s goals and to be more positive and outgoing. How to Use: Use in place of traditional body moisturizers or add to your regular body lotions and creams. add to candles and rituals add a tablespoon to a warm bath apply to palms of hands, wrists, temples, and shoulders before ritual or movement practice such as yoga
