Talisman For Honor and Riches


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那些希望獲得成功和成名的人都很感興趣。 吊墜的正面是“榮譽和財富護身符”,背面與“大繁榮印章”配對。 據說這種結合對穿戴者產生了積極的影響,使其可以進行正確的接觸,並在正確的時間說出並做事。 它的神奇對應關係涉及確保和維持權力位置,以及防止受到攻擊和欺騙 This talisman is of interest to those who wish to achieve success and fame. The front of the pendant is the “Talisman for Honor and Riches”, and is paired on the reverse side with the “Seal of Great Prosperity”. This combination is said to positively influence the wearer to make the right contacts, and say and do things at the right time. It's magical correspondences relate to securing and maintaining positions of power, and protecting against attacks and subterfuge
